The Process
Transforming nature's beauty into art
It all starts with something in nature catching my eye. It could be the shocking pink of dried seaweed against pale sand, or the pattern of a shell fragment when held up to the light, or the texture of a piece of wood, worn by sea and sun. Natural beauty inspires me. And I translate that beauty into my art.
Each type of art has its own process. However, a few themes run through each.
Wandering and gathering. All the base materials of my art is sustainably foraged through my wandering in nature. I walk and gather organic materials that soon will be transformed.
Sorting and organizing. I call this my tactile meditation time. I love to sit in the outdoors and sort through the beauty of the day’s harvest. Be it seaweed, shells, rocks, wood, whatever material I am working with, it all must be touched and sorted and pondered.
Creation. This is where each material has it’s own process. My muse material, seaweed is the most difficult to transform. But also the most fun.